The BC Yukon Area 79 focus is on local A.A. history within the confines of our area boundaries. Histories and information within the scope of our collection focuses on our local A.A. groups and its members, our Districts, local A.A. Intergroup offices, as well as our Area 79 Quarterly and Assemblies. Any information or history from an event, workshop or conference that is linked to our General Service Structure (National and regional AA Conferences) will also be collected.
Archives does not seek to acquire collections beyond the level of history. Donations to our repository will require a Deed of Submission form to be filled out with each submission. All forms must have a phone number attached so that we can contact the donor for future reference or if the item needs to be returned. We cannot at this time accept donations outside of our scope. We will however strive to work with donors and where the collection would be a better fit in a different archives collection, archives will work with the donor to place it in the appropriate repository.
We do not engage in the buying and selling of archives material.
Mission Statement
Pursuant to AA’s primary purpose of maintaining our sobriety and helping other Alcoholics to achieve sobriety, the archives of Alcoholics Anonymous adopts the following mission statement: “To receive, classify and index all related material, including but not limited to administrative files, records, correspondence, literary, and artifactual works considered to have historical import to Alcoholics Anonymous. To hold and preserve such material, making access possible, as determined by the present archivist in consultation with the archives committee, to members of Alcoholics Anonymous and those of the public who may have a valid need to review said material, such access to be provided only during business hours and with a mindful view toward the anonymity of our members.”
The Archives repository welcomes visitors. As the Archives does not keep regular office hours, visits are by appointment only.
District Committee Chair?
Tour the Archives
Consistent with AA’s primary purpose of maintaining our sobriety and helping other alcoholics achieve recovery, the Archives of Alcoholic Anonymous will:
- Receive, classify, and index all relevant material, such as administrative files and records, correspondence, and literary works and artifacts considered to have historical importance to Alcoholic Anonymous.
- Hold and preserve such materials.
- Provide access to these materials, as determined by the archivists in consultation with the trustee’s Archives committee, to member’s of Alcoholic Anonymous and to others who may have a valid need to review such material, contingent upon committee to preserve the anonymity of our member’s.
- Serve as a resource and laboratory to stimulate and nourish learning.
- Provide information services to assist the operations of Alcoholics Anonymous.
- Promote knowledge and understanding of the origins, goals and programs of Alcoholic Anonymous.
History Collecting Documents
Documents for collecting A.A. history within BC/Yukon Area 79 are available for download in the Archives section of the committee library.
Area Officers
Fourteen (14) Area Officers are chosen, every second year, to serve 2-year terms on the Area Service Committee (ASC) . Seven of these are elected, in even numbered years, at the September Assembly of the full Area 79 Committee. Seven are appointed by the Selection Committee, following the elections, to sit as chairs of designated Area standing committees.
It is strongly suggested that the outgoing (not the incoming) GSRs and DCMs be available to vote at the Election Assembly in order to assure a more informed election.
To apply for an appointed position in Area 79, please email your resume to resumes@bcyukonaa.org
Elected Officers
The seven (7) elected officers are listed below, with a brief summary of their roles:
- Delegate – Reports to and from the General Service Conference.
- Alternate Delegate – Assists Delegate in responsibilities. Currently the Alternate Delegate also sits as the Literature Chair.
- Chair of Area 79 – Responsible for the agenda and chairing Area and Area Service Committee (ASC) meetings, assigns travel of committee members.
- Alternate Chair – Assists Chair in responsibilities. Currently the Alternate Chair also sits as Grapevine Chair.
- Treasurer – Maintains payables and receivables for Area 79. Chairs Finance Committee.
- Secretary – Records meetings and prepares the minutes.
- Registrar – Maintains Group Records of Districts and Groups in Area 79 and informs the General Service Office (GSO) in New York.
Appointed Positions
We encourage everyone who is interested in an appointed position on the Area 79 General Service Committee to submit a brief resume. The following positions are appointed by the incoming Chair through a Selection Committee made up of the incoming Chair and 3 other elected ASC members.
- Accessibilities – Explore, develop and offer resources to make the Alcoholics Anonymous message available to everyone.
- Archives – Collect, classify and care for literary works and artifacts.
- Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) – Establish and maintain better communication between A.A.s and community professionals
- Corrections – Carry the AA message to alcoholics in correctional systems
- Finance – Discusses Area 79 self-support and the Seventh Tradition.
- Grapevine – Develop awareness of the many benefits that can be derived through the Grapevine and La Viña (Spanish version) subscriptions
- Grassroots – Oversees the production and distribution of Grassroots Forum, the BC/Yukon Area 79 Newsletter.
- Literature – Promote Conference-approved literature, audiovisual material and other special items.
- Public Information – Communicates to the public what AA does and does not do.
- Remote Communities – Creates awareness about and assists those who are unable to make it to regular face-to-face meetings on a consistent basis
- Treatment/Bridging the Gap – Assists members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics in treatment facilities
- Website – Maintains the Area 79 Website.
Additionally – Grassroots Committee Chair: Responsible for the Area Newsletter (Grassroots Forum) and leads the committee responsible for the format, content and distribution of this quarterly publication. Motion passed in October 2016 reads….
“The Area 79 chair will be free to assign Grassroots, or any other standing committee, as an additional responsibility to any member of the ASC, based on committee workloads and ASC members’ skills”.
Things to Consider
- Communications between members of the Area Committee are generally via email and therefore it is essential to have access to electronic communications in order to be considered for a position.
- The transitional General SC meeting held on the first Wednesday of December, (after the election assembly) is mandatory as are all monthly ASC meetings of the 2-year rotation.
- The time commitment required is substantial and will vary from position to position, and also with the particular skills possessed by the member. Generally, some time will be spent every day to check and respond to emails and phone messages. Some jobs have workloads that are heavier at certain times than at others.
- We encourage you to speak with members of the ASC (current or past) to ask more specific questions if you are considering applying for an appointed position.
- General Service Committee membership may sound demanding, but, as we so often find in AA, the rewards are far greater than time and effort put in.
- For more information please read “duties common to all” on the job description page.
How to Apply
- Email your resume to resume@bcyukonaa.org
- You will receive an immediate confirmation of receipt of your application and a response from the Area 79 Chair within 48 hours.
- Resumes must be received at Resumes at BC/Yukon AA by October 31st to be considered. When sending your resume, you can include additional information that may help the Selection Committee.
- Resumes are reviewed by the Selection Committee the evening of the first Tuesday of November. The Chair will call you that evening with the results. Please be sure that you are contactable by telephone.
- Successful applicants will be required to attend a transition meeting held the first Wednesday of December at the BC Yukon Area office in Vancouver (travel expenses are covered by Area 79).
- Successful applicants will be ratified at the January Quarterly. At that time, they will present their resumes (2 minutes maximum) to the fellowship.
Job Description
How do AA Archives help carry the message of recovery?
“The collective experience of the past reminds us of how little hope there once was for the suffering alcoholic — and how far we’ve come, thanks to Alcoholics Anonymous.”
Reprinted from The AA Archives F-47 pg. 5, with permission of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
As we painstakingly sort out fact from fiction, we ensure that our original message of recovery, unity and service will continue undiluted and true.
The chairperson of the Archives committee is always busy and the opportunity provides a rich and rewarding experience, especially for a person with an interest in our history
- Take responsibility for prioritizing and guiding the projects for the two-year term.
- Pack, and ship when necessary, archive kits for travel assignments for ASC members.
- Be available for members wishing to come into the archives to find material for projects, presentations, coming events and archives repository tours
- Keep up with the cleaning of the archives room.
- Process incoming archival material.
- Do a monthly inventory of supplies, workbooks, contents of archives kits and forms. Continually make sure that all are updated.
- Work with the archivist to maintain the archives collection
- Continue to recruit archives volunteers, assign projects and meet with them on a regular basis.
- Check contribution cans when archive kits are returned, and forward money to treasurer.
- Inform the Area 79 website chair of any changes in hours of operation for the archives room.
Job Description
The archivist serves BC/Yukon Area 79 by “keeping the record straight”. By collecting, preserving and sharing important historical elements, the archivist helps to carry the message of sobriety to present and future generations, ensuring, as Bill W. said, “that myth does not prevail over fact”. The archivist is appointed to a three- to five-year term.
This is a volunteer position open to AA members with easy access to the lower mainland archives office. Candidates are ratified by the Area Service Committee. (Note: there are other volunteer positions available within the archives room for anyone wishing to be a part of the archives.
The archivist can be contacted through the Archives Committee Chair
As an A.A. Member
- is an AA member, at least two years sober, who is willing to learn our Traditions as they pertain to the archives, especially our tradition of anonymity;
- has a special interest in our history;
- has a willingness to acquire skills and information on archival procedures through education or consultation with other professionals in the field.
As a Historical Gatherer
- determines which items have historical significance and are worth keeping, and which are of dubious value and should be rejected or discarded (examples can be found in the archives workbook);
- collects a variety of historical materials, including documents, correspondence, administrative files (such as group attendance lists), artifacts and memorabilia with the understanding that all materials are donated and none are paid for;
- arranges to add oral histories by audio-taping old-timers.
As a Custodian and Conservationist
- conserves old audio tapes by transferring them to digital formats, preserves old documents by removing tape and using non-acidic paper;
- adds collected items to the inventory list and indexes them by groups or series according to GSO archives workbook guidelines;
- manages a current showcase of archival material in the intergroup office;
- responds to requests from the membership for group or individual information, donations of material or visits to the archives;
- seeks outside professionals for help when necessary.
Volunteer at the Archives
…to the wonderful world of Area 79’s Archives.
There is much to do and many hands make for lighter work. Below are some brief descriptions of a few of the areas in which we could use some help. The repository is situated in Vancouver and most of the positions require you to go into the office, which limits them to lower mainland members, but there are a few duties that long-distance members can do.
All positions would work under the guidance of the Archives Chair and Archivist.
Data Entry
This requires someone to work with the archivist and help enter catalogued items, their location, a brief description and a few other pertinent details into a master database. We are working to get a complete inventory into this master database. Minimum computer skills and access to the Greater Vancouver Intergroup office would be required.
This person would focus on scanning fragile material (both photos and documents). Some technical knowledge for touch-up and manipulation would be required, i.e. to remove last names on documents, size photos, etc.
Listening Person
Someone to listen to cassette tapes and identify them. Ideally for an in-town person, but may be set up for an out-of-town person. Also, someone is needed to listen to reel-to-reel tapes to identify them. This person would need to live in town.
Movie Person
We have a box of 8mm home movies that need to be viewed and documented. Ideally these would also be transferred to VHS. We have the projector — and we would have to have a group conscience as to whether these could be loaned out for someone from out of town to do.
Typists, Writers and Readers
Histories are being collected from members and districts in the forms of speaker tapes, written experiences and filled-out questionnaires. These need to be first transcribed (typed into the computer so we have a digital copy). Then information needs to be compiled, and written into a suitable form for eventual publishing. Lastly we need a reading committee to help edit and make recommendations. These positions are very suitable for out-of-towners and may be done via email or regular mail.