The Area 79 Service Library strives to be an exhaustive resource for materials and resources developed in Area 79 that the fellowship may need to carry out service and share our vital message of recovery.
You can use the menu to locate a topic of interest, search for the name of a file in the search bar below, use the find feature on your web browser (by pressing CMD/CTRL + F) or simply scroll through. If something is missing, or if your committee, district or intergroup have a document that you think belongs here please let us know.
The Area 79 Library has two pages; the Service Library and the Committee Library. The Committee Library contains all documents relative to a committee in Area 79.
Area 79 Library & Archive
General Service in Area 79
A booklet which outlines the duties of the General Service Representative (GSR) and the Service Structure of AA in Canada and the United States. (Updated May 2022) (pdf, 36 pages)
Some information for incoming District Committee Members (DCMs) and an outline of the Service Structure in Area 79.
A short summary of the General Service Representative (GSR) role in Area 79.
Some information about naming groups and the process that is followed by the General Service Office.
Listings of all of the Districts in Area 79 and the Regions, Cities and Towns they encompass (by district number and by community).
The fillable PDF form needed to register a new group with Area 79 and GSO.
The fillable PDF form needed to change your group record information with Area 79 and GSO.
Delegate Report Archive
General Service Conference Report - 2024
- The 74th Annual Meeting of the General Service Conference of
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS – Final Report: Connecting with Love and Service (pdf, 159 pages) - La 74e assemblée annuelle de la Conférence des Services généraux des ALCOOLIQUES ANONYMES – RAPPORT FINAL: Des liens basés sur l’Amour, l’Unité et le Service (pdf, 159 pages)
- La 74.a Reunión de la Conferencia de Servicios Generales de ALCOHÓLICOS ANÓNIMOS – INFORME FINAL: “Conectándonos con amor, unidad y servicio (pdf, 159 pages)
Quarterlies & Assemblies
Minutes from Quarterlies and Assemblies are available in the Grassroots Forum.
These are 2 recent submissions from hosting districts regarding their shared experience
Guidelines that are intended to provide assistance to districts intending to bid on hosting Area 79 Quarterlies or Assemblies. (Updated April 2024)
A checklist for host venues
Assembly Presentations
In Area 79, a big part of our assemblies and quarterlies are sharing sessions, helping keep A.A. strong and participation in service growing. Some of our sharing sessions include trusted servants providing presentations on specific topics and then opening the floor for discussion.