About Area 79
The members of Alcoholics Anonymous are represented in this Area by over 800 groups in 47 Districts (more about the Districts and Intergroups here. The groups in each District elect a District Committee Member (DCM) to be their representative on the Area Committee. The Area Service Committee (ASC) has 14 members who also sit on the Area Committee, and who serve as Area Officers. In addition, there are 12 Standing Committees, each chaired by a member of the ASC, that report to the Area Committee.
The BC/Yukon Area Committee meets 4 times annually, at Quarterlies and Assemblies. A schedule of Area Meetings is posted under the Events / Quarterlies and Assemblies, along with detailed meeting information and an agenda package for the upcoming meeting.
The BC/Yukon Delegate Area 79 includes the Yukon Territory, most of British Columbia and one small section of Washington. At 1,431,250 square kilometres, it is the second largest Delegate Area in Canada/USA. Area 79 includes Districts that are of equal size to the states of Mississippi and Maryland combined, not to mention Districts that are as big as the third-largest state in the US, smaller only than Texas and Alaska. From the southernmost tip of British Columbia to the northernmost tip of the Yukon Territory is a staggering 2,540km/1,587 mi.
A trip from Vancouver to Prince Rupert is just under 1/4 the length of Area 79 geographically (789km/493 mi.). However, actual road travel comes in at twice this length due to navigating around vast mountain ranges, rivers and lakes. This extends the trip to approximately 20 hours and 1,516km/947 mi., the equivalent of Vancouver to San Francisco. BC/Yukon has many Districts and groups that are only serviceable by ferry, small plane, boat or even snowmobile.
“The areas hold an important position in the U.S./Canada General Service Conference structure. The areas are directly connected to the A.A. groups and their members through DCMs and GSRs. At the same time, they participate in the decision-making of A.A. through area delegates.
At the heart of each area is the assembly meeting, where the democratic voice of our Fellowship expresses itself. While each area has the autonomy to conduct its meetings according to its conscience, Concept XII offers the General Warranties of the Conference as the guiding principles to remain democratic in thought and action.”
Reprinted from The A.A. Service Manual 2021-20123 pg. 18, with permission of Alcoholics
Anonymous World Services, Inc.